Systematic Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Crustacea
Order: Stomatopoda
Family: Squillidae
Genus: Oratosquilla
Species: Oratosquilla oratoria
(de Haan)
Chinese name: Ãu§¿½¼, ¤f½¼³G

Characteristic Features

Carapace long and board. (a) Y-shaped central goove on the anterior end of carapace. On the fifth thoracic segment, (b) the first lateral spine is long pointing anteriorly, while the posterior spine is short and pointing laterally. Anterior lateral spines on the 6 and 7 thoracic segment (c & d) pointing anteriorly, while the posterior spines are much large in size. Only one lateral spine presents on each side of the 8 thoracic segment pointing to anteriorly.




Occurring in 5 - 60 m deep, sandy bottom.


Body length ~ 130 mm.


Hong Kong - Southern Waters, Mira Bay, Tolo Harbour, Port Shelter. Along coastal regions of China.

Economically important.