Systematic Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Crustacea
Order: Decapoda
Family: Penaeidae
Genus: Metapenaeus
Species: Metapenaeus ensis
(De Haan, 1844)
Common name: Sand pawn
Chinese name: °ò³ò½¼, ¼C¨¤·s¹ï½¼


Characteristic Features

Rostrum narrow, slightly curved upwards and without teeth on ventral side; dorsal border with 4-8 teeth. Carapace with orbital, antennal and hepatic spines. Branchio-cardiac groove long and nearly reaching hepatic groove. First pereiopod have small spines. Dorsal carina present on first to six abdominal somites. Telson with broad and deep median groove, armed with row of minute laterally movable spines.


Found at 8-64 m depth of sandy and muddy bottom, may penetrate to deeper waters up to 100m.



Maximum length ~ 160 mm, commonly 70-140 mm.



Hong Kong - Southern Waters, Mirs Bay, Tolo Harbour, Port Shelter; China - Guangxi, Guangdong, Taiwan; Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, New Guinea and Australia.


Economically important, one of the high-priced sea-food in Hong Kong. Extensive aquaculture in Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Hong Kong. It is commonly cultivated in north-west of Hong Kong by gei wai operations, and therefore called as "Gei Wai Shrimp".