Systematic Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda

Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae

Genus: Octopus
Species: Octopus membranaceus
(Quoy & Gaimard, 1832
Common name: Four-eyed bird
Chinese name: ¤K¤ö³½, ¥|²´¯Q¸é


Characteristic Features

Mantle varies from saccular to very elongate with little differentiation between the mantle and head in the neck region. Arms medium to long with the lateral arms longest. The funnel organ is W-shaped with stout to moderately slender limbs. 7-8 filaments to each demibranch of the gill. Two cirri or warts over each eye. The most distinctive feature of this species is the conspicuous ocellus or ringed spot on each side of the head in front of and below the eyes. This consists of a dark brown splotch containing a bluish or greenish ring.



The animal live in holes on flat bottoms, emerging to feed.



A middle-sized species. MAximum mantle length 80 mm, weight 0.1 kg.



Indo-Pacific, from Japan, China, and the Philippines to Australia, Malaya and the Indian Ocean. In Hong Kong, they occur from the coast out to 60 m contour.



Moderately important. As fresh or dried food.