Family Ampharetidae

Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)

Ampharetidae (collected from Tai Long Wan).  Lateral view of anterior region; posterior region inside a muddy tube. Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)


Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)

Ampharetidae (collected from Tai Long Wan).  Lateral view of entire worm.

Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)


Setae of Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)

Setae at anterior region of Ampharetidae.

Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)


amp-S3.jpg (52751 bytes)
Setae at anterior region of Ampharetidae. Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)


Setae of Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)

Setae at lateral side of Ampharetidae.

Setae of Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)


Setae of Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)

Setae at lateral side of Ampharetidae.

Setae of Ampharetidae (Click to enlarge)


Order Terebellida
Family Ampharetidae

Body: tapered; divided into 2 regions
Eye: may present
Prostomium: simple or complex with lateral folds and glandular ridges; 2 - 4 pairs of smooth or pinnate branchiae present
Parapodium: biramous parapodia in anterior region; well-developed neuropodia in posterior region, notopodia reduced or absent
Setea: capillary setae in thorax
Anal cirri: absent or 2 - 4 pairs
(Fauchald 1977)

Biological Notes
        The ampharetids are deposit feeders.   The food particles are gathered from the surface of sand or mud by buccal tentacles extruded from the mouth.   Their fragile tubes are contructed of mud or sand grains and attached to sponges, compound ascidians or the shells of living molluscs.   Only a few of them live in shallow water but they are common in deep water (Day 1967).

The difference between ampharetidae and terebellidae
        The ampharetids resemble the terebellids.    The main features used to separate them are listed below (Fauchald 1977):




Behavioral withdraw the buccal tentacles completely within their mouth do not withdraw the buccal tentacles completely
No. of Branchiae a few pairs of simple branchiae masses of arborescent branchiae or numerous sessile filaments
Shape of Uncini usually flattened plates always distinctly crested

Genera and Species Reported in Hong Kong

Ampharete arctica
Amphisamytha sp.
Auchenoplax sp.
Eusamytha dubia
Isolda pulchella
Samytha sp.
