Family Paraonidae

Paraonidae (Click to enlarge)

Paraonidae (collected from off Waglan Island).  Dorsal view of entire worm.

Paraonidae (Click to enlarge)


Paraonidae (collected from off Waglan Island).   Lateral view of anterior region.
Paraonidae (collected from Tathong Channel).   Entire worm.


Paraonidae (Click to enlarge)
Paraonidae (collected from Tathong Channel).   Ventral view of anterior region. Paraonidae (Click to enlarge)


Order Orbiniida
Family Paraonidae

Body: long and slender; with branchiae on maximally 15-20 segments, starting from one of setigers 4-10
Prostomium: no appendage; some with a single antenna
Eye: absent or 2
Antennae: absent or 1
Cirri: absent
Palp: absent
Pharynx: non-eversible
Parapodium: biramous and lateral
Setea: simple including capillaries, postbranchial hooks or modified setae
Anal cirri: 2 or 3
(Fauchald 1977)

Biological Notes
        Paraonids are tiny thread-like worms.   They are non-selective deposit feeders and burrow just below the surface of sandy mud.   Their gut is full of sand grains and the detritus (Day 1967).

Genera and Species Reported in Hong Kong

Aricidea eximia
Cirrophorus branchiatus
Paradoneis sp.
Paraonis gracilis
