SPE10117 Foundations in Information Systems

QF Level: 3
QF Credits: 12
Total Contact Hours:39
Pre-requisites and co-requisitesNone


The aim of this module is to introduce to students, through a practical approach, the capabilities of information systems, technology issues and IS/IT management in the business environment and society at large.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the data management, technical environment, use, function and ethical issues of information systems in business and society
  2. Analyze essential business and societal operational requirements and articulate them to information systems applications
  3. Identify fundamental activities in IS development and management
  4. Apply software tools, within a team, to solve on a smaller scale, typical problems in business/social settings

Indicative Content and Schedule [Wk number]

Teaching and Learning

Student activity and time spent on each activity comprises:

Lecture13 hours
Laboratory/Tutorial26 hours
Self-guided156 hours (80-20 % rule)

Method of Assessment

Assessment Components Team/
Weighting Learning Outcomes
Programming Assignment Individual 20% 
Group Project Team Report 40% 
Individual reflective writing 20% 
Test Viva via Zoom or Skype Individual 40 20% 
Pass Requirement: Module Mark must be at least 40%.

Essential Reading

Other References