SPE10117 Foundations in Information Systems

Part 1 Papers Review

  1. Schierholz, Ragnar, Kolbe, Lutz, & Brenner, Walter. (2005). Strategy Alignment of Mobile Solutions in Customer-Oriented Processes.Wirtschaftsinformatik, 47(1), 17-24.
  2. Among the seven cases analyzed in section 3 of the paper, select the case that you find most interesting, find similar case in Hong Kong and write a one page report with the following sections:

    • Company background
    • Challenge
    • Solution

Part 2 Review Exercises
  1. Describe the major trends in B2C eCommerce.
  2. What role do software (intelligent) agents have in travel services? What future applications may be possible?
  3. List the capabilities of online banking. Which of these capabilities would be most beneficial to you?
  4. Define shopping portals and provide two examples.
  5. What are Amazon.com's critical success factors? Is its decision not to limit its sales to books, music, and movies, but to offer a much broader selection of items, a good marketing strategy? With the broader selection, do you think the company will dilute its brand or extend the value proposition to its customers?
  6. Discuss each of the following as limiting factors on the growth of B2C EC:
    • too much competition,
    • expensive technology,
    • need a computer to shop,
    • people need the social interaction in face-to-face shopping,
    • many people cannot afford an Internet access,
    • the EC market is already saturated.

  7. Describe the major segments of the mobile workforce. How quickly is this workforce growing?

Part 3 Programming Exercise

  1. Describe briefly what is meant by the following terms:
    • algorithm
    • subroutine/function/procedure
    • intrepreter
    • debugging
    • testing

  2. Write an algorithm program to read three number A, B, and C and prints the largest value and the smallest value. Value of A, B, and C are assumed to be distinct.

  3. Supposed that you are given the task to test a program written for question 2 above. What test cases/test data will you use to test the program.

  4. Given the following algorithm

    Algorithm PRIME. Given a positive integer NUM, this algorithm determine whether or not the numbers is prime. LOOP is an integer loop variable

    1. input the number 
    2. determine that the NUM is prime or has divisors other than 1 
       2.1 determine if number is divisible by 2
           If NUM = 2                       
           Then NUM is a prime number
           Else If NUM is even
                Then NUM is not a prime number and halt
                Else 2.11  determine if (NUM divisible by odd integers >= 3 and  <=  (square root of NUM))
                           For LOOP := 3 to sqrt(NUM) by 2
                           Do If (NUM mod LOOP) = 0
                              Then NUM is not a prime number and halt
    3. if we get here, print a message that NUM is a prime number 
       Write(NUM,"is a prime number");
    4. finished
    Write a Python program to determine whether a number is a prime number.

    Submit the python program to Lab4 exercise under Assignment group in Canvas after you finished.