SPE10117 Foundations in Information Systems

Programming Exercise

  1. Given the following simple program to calculate area of a circle:
    filename: circleArea.py             
    This program asks the user to input a               
    number for the radius of a circle.  The program     
    then calculates and output the area of the circle.
    import math
    import sys
    radius = float(input( "Enter radius in feet : " )) 
    area = math.pi * radius * radius 
    sys.stdout.write("The radius you provided was " + format(radius,'.2f') +
                    " feet and the area is about " + format(area,'.2f') + " sq feet" )
    Write a function called computeArea() which will compute the area of a circle given the radius. The function should receive the radius in a parameter list and return the computed area as the function returns value. A sample call to the function would be as follows:

    area = computeArea(radius)

    Modify the program circleArea.py given above to make use of this function.

  2. The basic loan has three parameters: the annual interest rate, monthly payment, and loan balance.

    As an example, consider a $300 loan at 12% annual (i.e., 1% monthly) interest, which is being paid off at $100 per month.
    After the first month, the balance is $200, but after interest, it increases to $202.
    After the second month, the balance is $102, but after interest, it increases to $103.02.
    After the third month, the balance is 3.02, which after interest increases to $3.05.
    The remainder is paid off in the fourth month.

    Write a Python program that prompts for the three parameters and conveys this information in a nice table. You can assume the loan will be paid off in less than five months. For example:

    	The loan amount is : 300
    	The annual interest rate is: 12
    	The monthly payment is: 100
    		Starting            Middle              Ending
    	Month	Balance   Payment   Balance   Interest  Balance
    	1.	300.00	  100.00    200.00       2.00   202.00	
    	2.	202.00    100.00    102.00       1.02   103.02
    	3.	103.02    100.00      3.02       0.03     3.05
    	4.	  3.05      3.05      0.00       0.00     0.00
    Run your program with the following 3 sets of sample data:

    1)300 12 100
    2)1000 15 350
    3)12345 33.25 3888.88

  3. Given the following program in Week 4 LabAndTut folder:
    Read datafile1.dat in text format, create a list, print the 
    list to console and create a html table in output.html 
    fileIn = open('datafile1.dat', 'r')
    fileOut = open('output.html','w')
    lines = fileIn.read().splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        transactionRecord = line.split('_')
    print('%-20s%-30s%5s%10s'%('Name','Address','Txn', 'Ampunt'))
    for e in data:
        print('%-20s%-30s%5s%10s'%(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]))
    <table border=1>
    for e in data:
        fileOut.write('<tr><td>'+e[0]+'</td>' +
                       '<td>'+e[1]+'</td>' +
                       '<td>'+e[2]+'</td>' +
                       '<td>'+e[3]+'</td>' + '</tr>')
    Modify the program to output the table using markdown, upload output.md to github after you finished.