- Resume, Curriculum Vitae, and Personal Biography
- same Chinese words according to Google Translation
- Resume
- is a French word meaning "summary" of accomplishments [Merriam-Webster]
- short bullets targeted at job applied
- Curriculum Vitae
- is Latin word meaning course of (one's) life
- list of all skill, education, and talent
- Personal Biography
- is a written history of a person's life
- descriptive essays including personal particulars
- Bio of Tim Berners-Lee
- Portfolio
- Italian portafoglio, from portare to carry (from Latin) + foglio leaf, sheet, from Latin folium
- "At its simplest, a portfolio is a collection of materials, preferably with structure and index. " David Baume, Supporting Portfolio Development
- Use of portfolio
- A process portfolio, which shares learning as it is taking place and promotes dialogue on progress and plans
- A completion portfolio, which demonstrates that planned learning objectives or competencies have been met
- An Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning(APEL) portfolio, which makes a claim for prior learning or experiences to gain credits or exemptions from study towards a qualification
- A career portfolio, which is used to substantiate a c.v. or job application
- A Continuing Professional Development (CPD) portfolio, used to demonstrate continuing professional development for the purposes of registration, membership or licensing.
- Personal Development Profile(PDP)
- A PDP is a web presence which evolves over time as you develop, both as a student and a professional. It is an online showcase for your skills and achievements (your professional profile). Individually you are required to create a website called : personal portfolio. This will be implemented as a blog.
- Content: Students are encouraged to reflect on experiences drawn from a wide variety of situations, including their education, past or present employment, community-based activities, and recreational pursuits.
- Artefacts: Student ePortfolio also enables students to publish examples of their work and other relevant documents that demonstrate their skills and provide evidence of their achievements.
- Critical Thinking and Reflection/reflective practice
- everyone talks about Critical/reflective thinking
- "Active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusion to which it tends".
- two kinds of reflection
- reflection on action: after completing a task, the student reviews how well the activity went and why,
how successfully it achieved what they wanted it to achieve and why.
- What were the most interesting things so far?
What were the most enjoyable tasks?
What were the least enjoyable?
What did you excel at?
What do you need to work harder at?
- Try to be critical. It is useful for structuring your future study, and also for thinking about your future career.
- reflection for action: the reflection on and learning from previous activities to inform the planning for the next
- Resources
- Make website from scratch (if experienced or want to learn html/css). Check out www.w3schools.com
- Simple blog site Blogger
- Popular publishing site
- Student's site