Listen to this interview a couple of times and then put the letter of the corresponding words in the blanks below.

a. contracting   b. visualize   c. filling   d. pelvis

Energizing Through Color:
First sit or lie in a comfortable position. As you take deep breaths (1) a big balloon overhead. Imagine that you pop the balloon releasing all of the bright red energy. As you inhale imagine the bright red color (2) up your head, shoulders and body. As you exhale imagine the tension leaving your body.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
First, lie on your back in a comfortable position. Clench your hands into fists. Visualize your fists (3) . Then let your hands relax. Now relax the following parts of your body for 15 seconds. Each time imagining a golden light flowing inside; face, shoulders, stomach, (4) , legs, feet, and toes.
