Palpation Meter (PALM) |
Objective Way to do Skeletal Alignment
Evaluations. The PALM combines
the ease and proprioceptive advantages of palpation with the
and reliability of caliper and inclinometer measurements.
The caliper determines the distance in centimeters between the two palpating
fingers. The inclinometer determines the inclination in degrees between
the two palpating fingers. A unique slide rule calculator gives you the
height discrepancy between the two landmarks palpated in both
centimeters and inches.
Typical Use: Differentiating between a Functional and a Structural Short
Leg. The PALM will help you differentiate what part of a leg length
inequality is structural and what part is functional. Measurement of the
iliac crest heights in the standing position determines if there is a
relative height difference. Measurement of the iliac crests relative
heights in the seated position removes height discrepancies due to lower
extremity asymmetries.
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Scoliometer |
accurately measure six areas to detect scoliosis and provide three
measurements to detect abnormal anteropostero curves. Evaluates progress
during treatment without the necessity of client X-rays. It allows the
recording of transient structural scoliosis as the client's symptoms are
relieved. Also measures the unstable lumbosacral curve as well as the
cervical and thoracic curves. Calibrated in centimeters, millimeters and
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Posture Evaluation Kit |

A complete postural evaluation program for keeping permanent records.
Consists of a plastic posture grid, 25" x 48" that can be suspended from
ceiling or wall bracket. Includes posture score sheets, suggested
procedures, suspension cord and plumb bob for alignment. The desktop
scanner with angle sight (included with kit) can be used for more
precise posture appraisals. Comes complete with instruction manual. |
Large Anthropometer |

The Large
Anthropometer has a range of 0 to 60 cm in 0.1 cm increments. Popular
uses include measuring shoulder width, long bone length and chest depth
for tracking growth and development of children or for use in motion
analysis studies. |
Small Anthropometer |

Use this
Anthropometer for measuring wrist, elbow, knee and ankle widths as well
as measuring smaller muscle masses like the bicep and calf. The Small
Anthropometer has a range of 0 to 30 centimeters in 0.1 centimeter
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Chest Caliper |

uses include measuring maximum chest expansion from resting to full
inspiration. Range is from 0 to 24" in 0.50" graduations (0 to 60 cm
with 2.0 cm graduations) |