Identification Key to Common Families

  The identication key is a useful and quick reference to identify polychaetes. This key distincts polychaetes down to family level. Also this key only classifies the marine errant polychaetes which are most commonly found in Hong Kong during this project study.

How to distinct errant and sedentary polychaetes?

Marine Sedentary Polychaetes in Hong Kong:


a)   Dorsum with series of elytrae (scales)   present at the dorsal side of notopodial base 


        b)   Dorsum without elytrae


a)   Neurosetae composite




         b)   Neurosetae simple



a)   One pair of antennae or more present



b)   No antennae or palp. Prostomium is conical in shape



a)   Palps absent



          b)   Palps present


a)   Prostomium is long and conical, usually annulated, with two pairs of antennae at the tip



b)   Prostomium would not be more than twice than as long as wide, never annulated


a)   Eversible pharynx with 4 jaws in a cross, parapodia are all uniramous or all biramous



b)   Eversible pharynx with more than 4 jaws, parapodia uniramous anteriorly and biramous posteriorly



a)   Dorsal cirri large and foliose




b)   Interrama cirri between the notopodia and 




a)   Palps are simple or reduced



          b)   Palps are biarticulated or multiarticulated



a)   Prostomium continues posteriorly to form a caruncle




          b)   Caruncle absent


a)   Palps are ventrolateral pads on the peristomium, 2 + 5 antennae ( 2 frontal + 5 occipital )



b)   Palps are fused to the prostomium, so that, the latter appears to form a cleft anteriorly


a)   Eversible pharynx is unarmed


b)   Eversible pharnyx with 4 pairs of upper and 1 pair of lower jaws


a)   Palps are multiarticulated; tentacular cirri absent



b)   Palps are biarticulated; at least have one pair of tentacular cirri


a)   Pharynx with a pair of jaws; papillae present on the surface; parapodia biramous 



b)   Pharynx usually without jaws and papillae on the surface of pharynx, but have distal papillae; parapodia are uniramous



Introduction Common Families Identification key Glossary References

Developed by: P. L. Chan     Last modified: 4 April,00