Xueping Wu
Associate Professor of Finance
Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Office Tel: (852) 3442 7577; Fax: (852) 3442 0195
Email: efxpwu@cityu.edu.hk;

!!! Teaching in Current Semester 2024-25A: Investments (EF5052)


Academic Positions:

Academic Management:


Fellowships and Scholarships:





Corporate Finance; Asset Pricing and Capital Markets; International Financial Management

Journal Publications:

Xueping Wu
  1. Chen, Chong , and Xueping Wu, 2021, Winning megadeals: The dual role of acquirer advisors in loan-financed mergers and acquisitions , Journal of Corporate Finance 69, August, 102034.
  2. Wu, Xueping , Zheng Wang and Jun Yao, 2016, A rent protection explanation for SEO flotation method choice , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 51, No. 3, 1039-69.
  3. Wu, Xueping , and C.K. Au Yeung, 2012, Firm growth type and capital structure persistence , Journal of Banking and Finance 36, No.12, 3427-43.
  4. Wu, Xueping , and Jun Yao, 2012, Understanding the rise and decline of the Japanese main bank system: The changing effects of bank rent extraction , Journal of Banking and Finance 36, No.1, 36-50. (Unpublisehd proof related to footnote 3)
  5. Wu, Xueping , Piet Sercu, and Jun Yao, 2009, Does competition from new equity mitigate bank rent extraction? Insights from Japanese data , Journal of Banking and Finance 33, No. 10, 1884-97.
  6. Sercu, Piet , Martina Vandebroek, and Xueping Wu, 2008, Is the Forward Bias Economically Small? Evidence from European Rates , Journal of International Money and Finance 27, 1284-1302.
  7. Wu, Xueping , and Zheng Wang, 2005, Equity Financing in A Myers-Majluf Framework with Private Benefits of Control , Journal of Corporate Finance 11, No. 5 (October), 915-945.
  8. Wu, Xueping , Zheng Wang, and Jun Yao, 2005, Understanding the Positive Announcement Effects of the Private Equity Placements: New Insights from Hong Kong Data , Review of Finance (The official Journal of the European Finance Association), Vol. 9 (September), 385-414.
  9. Wu, Xueping , and Lily L. Xu, 2005, The Value Information of Financing Decisions and Corporate Governance during and after the Japanese Deregulation, Journal of Business 78, No. 1, 243-280.
  10. Wu, Xueping , 2002, A Conditional Multifactor Analysis of Return Momentum, Journal of Banking and Finance 26, No. 8, 1675-1696. (Winner of the 2003 Iddo Sarnat Award, second place, for the Best Papers published in the 2002 issues of JBF).
  11. Wu, Xueping , 2000, A New Stochastic Duration Based on the Vasicek and CIR Term Structure Theories, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 27 (No. 7&8), 911-932.
  12. Sercu, Piet, and Xueping Wu, 2000, Cross and Delta-Hedges: Regression versus Price-Based Hedge Ratios, Journal of Banking and Finance 24, No. 5, 735-757.
  13. Wu, Xueping , and Jin E. Zhang, 1999, Options on the Minimum or the Maximum of Two Average Prices , Review of Derivatives Research Vol. 3, No. 2 (January 2000), 183-204.
  14. Sercu, Piet, and Xueping Wu, 1997, The Information Content in Bond Model Residuals: An Empirical Study on the Belgian Bond Market, Journal of Banking and Finance 21, No. 5, 685-720. (Typos in eq.15&16)

Conference/Working Papers:

Old Unfinished Work:

Teaching (Courses Taught):

Other Academic Activities:

Major Conferences:

(A=attending, P=presenting, C=presented by coauthor, D=discussing, S=session chairing)

Ad Hoc Referees:

European Financial Management, Financial Management, Financial Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of International Money and Finance, Pacific-Basin Financial Journal


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