I am currently an associate professor at Department of Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong. Before joining CityU in 2015, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University My mentors for my postdoctoral training are Avner Friedman (Mathematics, OSU), Ching-Shan Chou (Mathematics, OSU) and Hay-Oak Park (Molecular Genetics, OSU). I finished my Ph.D.(Mathematics) in 2011 at University of California Irvine under the supervision of Qing Nie (Mathematics, UCI).

My area of research is mathematical and computational biology. I have worked in collaboration with other faculty from different departments, for example, Mathematics, Pathology, Surgery, Molecular Genetics, etc. I apply ODE, PDE and stochastic equation to describe models, and compare the computational simulation and analytic results with actual data in order to validate the model so that it can be useful for making new hypotheses in biology. The main focus of my studies is robust cell polarization and pattern formation of biological systems. I am also interested in studying inflammatory diseases and cancer modeling.

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