Example 2 

Compute L2 smoothness of marix mask. the following example is copied from D1IntpFuncVect->Example 1.
The mask is an interpolatory mask with respect do dilation factor d=2, r=2, h=1, sum rule order = 8;

> restart; 1

> read

> `assign`(d, 2); 1; `assign`(m, 8); 1


`assign`(d, 2)
`assign`(m, 8) (10.4.1)

> `assign`(poly, convert([[`/`(1, 2), 0, `+`(`*`(243, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(1024, `*`(z)))))), `/`(225, 1024), `*`(`/`(13, 1024), `*`(z)), `*`(`/`(61, 3072), `*`(`^`(z, 2)))), `+`(`*`(405, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(512...
`assign`(poly, convert([[`/`(1, 2), 0, `+`(`*`(243, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(1024, `*`(z)))))), `/`(225, 1024), `*`(`/`(13, 1024), `*`(z)), `*`(`/`(61, 3072), `*`(`^`(z, 2)))), `+`(`*`(405, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(512...
`assign`(poly, convert([[`/`(1, 2), 0, `+`(`*`(243, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(1024, `*`(z)))))), `/`(225, 1024), `*`(`/`(13, 1024), `*`(z)), `*`(`/`(61, 3072), `*`(`^`(z, 2)))), `+`(`*`(405, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(512...
`assign`(poly, convert([[`/`(1, 2), 0, `+`(`*`(243, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(1024, `*`(z)))))), `/`(225, 1024), `*`(`/`(13, 1024), `*`(z)), `*`(`/`(61, 3072), `*`(`^`(z, 2)))), `+`(`*`(405, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(512...
`assign`(poly, convert([[`/`(1, 2), 0, `+`(`*`(243, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(1024, `*`(z)))))), `/`(225, 1024), `*`(`/`(13, 1024), `*`(z)), `*`(`/`(61, 3072), `*`(`^`(z, 2)))), `+`(`*`(405, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(512...
`assign`(poly, convert([[`/`(1, 2), 0, `+`(`*`(243, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(1024, `*`(z)))))), `/`(225, 1024), `*`(`/`(13, 1024), `*`(z)), `*`(`/`(61, 3072), `*`(`^`(z, 2)))), `+`(`*`(405, `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(512...


> read

2.024307306 (10.4.3)

> coeff(poly, z, 0); 1

Matrix(%id = 152345348) (10.4.4)
