EAP topics review EL0200E John Wong June 2014 This page is created for students taking EL0200E in the summer of 2014, and serves as a reference page to prepare for the exam. Headings in blue and sub-headings in red are clickable. Under most sub-headings are "sub-subheadings" such as examples, more, question, answer etc. They can be clicked open if more information on the topic is needed, but can be safely skipped if the concepts are clearly understood.
Cohesive devices help academic writers connect everything in their paragraphs together. Think of them as attractive forces if that makes it easier for you to remember their functions. Some cohesive devices are words and phrases such as general nouns and reference pronouns; others are techniques such as ellipsis and substitution. Still some others are common features related to the use of vocabulary called lexical chains and lexical fields.
a) general nouns
They are countable abstract concepts, not physical objects that can be touched. They are mostly commonly used words, not difficult vocabulary. Use as many of them as you can in your essay.
.. why they are good
The reason they help you connect your arguments together is that by repeatedly using certain general nouns in your paragraphs, you remind yourself, and your readers, what the the focus of the discussion is throughout the essay. Study, for example, the use of "change" in the EAP II course text "Causes of Divorce", "A major change that has occurred in the Western family is .... This change is .... A consequence of this change has been .... is why these changes in .... They suggest that changes in the law .... Bilton et al. therefore believe that changes .... in terms of changes in the legal system .... are the product of more fundamental changes in society."
... another example
Study the use of the word "type" in the same text: One type of explanation for rising divorce has .... The problem with this type of explanation .... Another type of explanation is ....
While ... we cannot be 100 per cent sure who we are talking to online ..., it's more useful to adopt a healthy scepticism about online relationships and to classify them very differently to real-life ones. Question: what does them refer to in the sentence? Hint: them is not always used to refer to people in English!
... answer
online relationships
.. non-pronoun reference words
Then, in 2000, Roland Fletcher and his colleague Damian Evans saw some NASA radar images of Angkor. The researchers marveled at the sophistication of Angkor's infrastructure. The researchers refers to Roland Fletcher and Damian Evans.
... another example
Jot down the key words and main ideas that you will use in your response. This strategy will aid you in writing your response more quickly. Q. What does this strategy refer to?
.... answer
The entire previous sentence
c) ellipsis
Ellipsis refers to the omission of words/phrases that have been used before, usually in the same sentence, because repeating them is not necessary. e.g. Journalists around the world have been mobilizing against the unfair trial of their colleague. Many have written articles to protest.
The word "journalists" is omitted after "many" in the second sentence because it is understood. Removing it makes the writing look better.
.. another example
The aim of the new GE course is to inspire students to examine fundamental questions about the second event that is shared by all living entities, the first being birth/creation. Question: what word has been omitted in the sentence above?
... answer
event, i.e. the first (event) being birth/creation
.... more
As you skim each question, underline the topic and the requirements for each. Q. What word is omitted?
.. a different type of ellipsis
Ellipsis sometimes refers to the practice of inserting three consecutive dots (...) in a sentence to indicate that some words are omitted. It is commonly used in in-text direct quotations, particularly when they are relatively long.
d) substitution
"One/ones" and "do/did" (and other auxiliaries) are often used as substitutes. "One" is a substitute for a singular noun; "ones" is a substitute for a plural noun; "do" / "did" are substitutes for a clause.
.. examples
i. "Ones" is a substitute for "relationships" in While ... we cannot be 100 per cent sure who we are talking to online ..., it's more useful to adopt a healthy scepticism about online relationships and to classify them very differently to real-life ones.
ii. "Did" is a substitute for "found problems with the study" in Marketing experts found more problems with the study than customers did.
e) lexical chains (synonyms)
A lexical chain is a series of substitution words and synonyms that help you express your ideas without having to repeat the same key words again and again. For example, imagine you are discussing an issue related to teenagers, and the word "teenager" is used 15 times in the essay. Do you think your writing would look good or not?
.. sample lexcial chains
i. young people, young teens, teenagers, citizens under 20 ii. fees, tuition, cost of education iii. changes in laws, legal solutions, changes in the legal system, legislative change iv. critical, crucial, essential, primary, principal, serious v. information, data, facts, news, knowledge
... antonyms
opposite of synonym; e.g. "old" is the antonym of "young"
f) lexical fields
A lexical field is sometimes also called a semantic field. When a series of words or phrases can be grouped under the same topic/ theme, they form a lexical field. You are expected to have created at least one or two of them in your essay. e.g. education is the lexical field of the following words/phrases:
School, students, summer break, teachers, classroom, examination, homework etc.
.. more
student disciplinary problems is the lexical field of the following words/phrases:
absenteeism, lateness, sleeping in class, playing games on their smartphones in class, chatting in class, cheating in exams etc.
2. Hedging devices
You are expected to use a number of them throughout your essay. They help you sound more cautious when presenting arguments. e.g. "seems" is a hedging device in "The potential to ... seems unlimited"
.. common hedging devices
appear(s) to, probably, often, is/are likely to, according to, could, might, generally (speaking), statistically speaking etc.
... can/could & may/might
Note that the present tense form can serves a different function and does not hedge your statements/arguments. The present tense form may is fine, although the past tense form might is probably more common.
... more hedging devices
is considered (to be), one/some of the, based on, many (e.g. "many students" instead of simply "students" or "all students") etc.
.. always always
Many Hong Kong students seem to have the habit of choosing to use "always" whenever they talk about how frequently some people do something, not knowing that "always" in fact means "all the time" or "on every occasion". Besides being probably not accurate, the adverb "always" gives the impression that the writer is not being cautious enough. A general suggestion / solution is to use a similar adverb such as "often" to replace it.
3. Boosting
It means the opposite of hedging, and generally should be avoided in EAP essays.
e.g. If "seems" is a hedging device in "... seems unlimited", a simple boosting technique is to replace "seems" with "is" or "is certainly".
4. Subject group & verb group
A possible task in the exam: underline subject group and bracket verb group: a. Chinese farmers growing rice whose genes are modified to enhance insect resistance reduced their pesticide use by 80 percent. b. Even though we try to catch them all, harmful proteins created through genetic modifications may slip by undiscovered.
.. answer
a. Chinese farmers growing rice whose genes are modified to enhance insect resistance (reduced) their pesticide use by 80 percent. b. Even though we try to catch them all, harmful proteins created through genetic modifications (may slip by) undiscovered.
... more
c. In its bookshops, the just-published memoirs of the late Zhao Ziyang, a former head of the Communist Party who opposed the Tiananmen crackdown, (are flying off) the shelves. d. Proudly Chinese yet also steeped in Western ways, many Hong Kongers (are) never sure how they fit into the People’s Republic.
5. Headnoun & complex noun phrase
a) Headnouns are nouns, not adjectives or verbs. b) If there are prepositions such as "to", "of", "from", "through" etc. in the noun phrase, the headnoun usually appears before them. c) The headnoun consists of one word only. d) Complex noun phrases are noun phrases that are at least three words long and should be used as often as possible in EAP essays!
.. examples
old Chinese
growing rice in the sun
of genetically modified rice
to using genetically modified grains as food crops
... more
socially endorsed
of conversation
of scholars at CityU
more open
towards reflecting on death
about discussions about death
6. Who is speaking?
When reading, it is important to know the difference between whether it is the writer of an article expressing an opinion or whether the opinion comes from the sources cited in it.
.. example
From course unit 1 "The causes of divorce": Bilton et al. therefore believe that changes in divorce rates can be best explained in terms of changes in the legal system. The problem with this type of explanation, however, is that it does not consider why these laws have changed in the first place. Question: who is speaking in the first sentence, and who is speaking in the second?
... answer
In the first sentence, the writer is citing an opinion from the source text published by Bilton and his collaborators in 1987. That is, the cited source is speaking. In the second sentence, the writer is expressing his own opinion regarding the argument/explanation of Bilton et al. That is, the writer himself is speaking.
7a. Introduction: thesis statement & stance
Recommended format
a) Give general background / context for topic
b) Give more specific background to topic
c) Show the existence of debate on the topic
d) Describe possible points of view on the topic
e) Give the writer’s point of view on the topic (thesis statement) and outline of essay content (scope/overview)
.. sample introduction
Topic: "Advertising should be regulated." To what extent do you agree or disagree? a) Hong Kong is often described as a "shopper's paradise". Both tourists and the local population are known to seek out brand names in the city’s many retail outlets. b) As a consequence, promotional materials such as posters, billboards and video advertisements are highly visible throughout the region. c) This raises questions about the need for government regulation. d) Some argue that regulating advertising limits free speech and free trade, while others maintain that strict laws are necessary to protect the public. e) This essay will argue that freedom of speech is a basic right and that companies should be free to promote their legal products, provided that the advertisements are not false or misleading.
7b. Topic sentence & elaboration (theme & rheme)
EAP recommends that the first sentence in a body paragraph should be the topic sentence. A clear topic sentence makes a statement that requires elaboration/explanation, and does not simply contain facts. It helps focus the reader’s attention on the main idea of the paragraph. It should contain the broadest, most general level of information in the paragraph, but is not so general that the paragraph will lack specific detail.
The second sentence
The general rule is that you should immediately explain something in the topic sentence. A common mistake of Hong Kong students is that after writing the topic sentence, they often turn back and provide more general background information in the next few sentences before elaborating.
The third sentence and so on
The third sentence should explain something mentioned in either the first or the second sentence. That is, it should not be about something totally new. The fourth sentence should be about something mentioned in either the first, the second or the third sentence, and so on.
Theme and rheme
A theme is the subject of a sentence, and the rheme is the verb plus the rest of the sentence. For example, in the sentence The cell is the basic unit of all known living organisms, the cell is the theme and is the basic unit of all known living organisms is the rheme.
.. common theme-rheme patterns
If you are not sure that you can elaborate on your topic sentence with relevant (not just related) details, following some theme-rheme patterns may help. For demonstration, let's assign the letter "A" to the subject, or theme, of the topic sentence, and the letter "B" to the rest of the sentence, i.e. the rheme.
... constant theme pattern
.... sample paragraph
The Book of the Deadis the modern name of an ancient Egyptian funerary text, used from the beginning of the New Kingdom (around 1550 BC) to around 50 BC.. The original Egyptian name for the text, transliterated "rw nw prt m hrw"is translated as "Book of Coming Forth by Day" or "Book of emerging forth into the Light" . The textconsists of a number of magic spells intended to assist a dead person's journey through the Duat, or underworld, and into the afterlife . The Book of the Dead was part of a tradition of funerary texts which includes the earlier Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts, which were painted onto objects, not papyrus . (AB, AC, AD, AE)
... zigzag theme pattern
AB, BC, CD, DE: probably a more common and useful pattern to follow.
.... sample paragraph
In Bali, the most common building material for walls in a houseis "paras", a type of sandstone that is cut into bricks.These bricksare stuck together with muddy water as mortar to form walls.The wallsare held together by the weight of the bricks and do not carry the roof, which is supported by a wooden frame and pillars. "Paras"is not durable and easily deteriorates in the rain. (AB, BC, CD, BE)
... mixed theme pattern
7c. Body paragraph development
If you are still not sure how to write a body paragraph, follow this "formula":
i. Topic sentence
ii. Elaboration
iii. Citation
iv. Connecting sentence that expands on the citation by giving examples of key idea in it.
v. Further elaboration (writer's own idea, not about citation)
vi. Concluding sentence
8. Complex sentence & subordinate clause
You are expected to use a variety of sentence structures in your essay. Complex sentences help you fulfill this requirement. They might also help you to improve your argumentation. Complex sentence = subordinate clause + main clause Subordinate clause = subordinator (e.g. although, unless, if, since, as long as, whenever, wherever, while etc.) + clause Note: Relative clauses are also a type of subordinate clause. For example, ... that aims to protect their privacy in the second example below.
.. examples
i)Although legislation could help protect their privacy, social media users still need to be careful with their online behaviour. ii) Unless they take care of their own online behaviour, social media users may not benefit from legislation that aims to protect their privacy.
... more
iii)If legislation could not help protect their privacy, users need to consider the consequences of their increasing dependence on social media platforms iv) As long as they are very careful with their online behaviour, social media users could protect their own privacy despite the lack of effective legislation.
.... a word of caution
If your argument is not sound, using a subordinating conjunction such as although may expose its weakness. After all, in the end what matters more is the idea, not the conjunction or the subordinate clause. Therefore, work on your argument, and make sure it makes good sense.
9a. In-text citation
You are probably expected to cite in-text at least once in each body paragraph. In the current marking scheme, there need to be at least two citations in the essay. Less than that would result in a "marginal" or lower for source integration.
.. integral citation
It is called integral citation because it is integrated into the sentence. Cite only last name, followed by year of publication in brackets e.g. Wong (2005) argues that information technology could .... According to Wong (2005), information technology could ....
.. non-integral citation
It is called non-integral citation because it is not integrated into the sentence. That is, the citation is not part of the sentence. Put both last name and year of publication in brackets, separated by a comma, at the end of your sentence, before the full-stop. e.g. Information technology could ... (Wong, 2005).
9b. APA style reference list
This refers to the reference list appended at the end of the term paper, and is NOT required in the exam essay. Learning about the APA reference style gives you a better understanding of the academic conventions of citations.
.. journal article / book
Unlike in-text citations, which give only the last name of the researcher(s), the initials of first and middle names should also be included in the reference list. That is, last name of researcher(s) + initial(s) of first name (and middle name) + year of publication in brackets + title of article & name of journal / name of book + Volume & page numbers (+ publisher) e.g. Fong, C. S., & Wong, J. (2012). Competitor analysis and accounting of social networking site service companies in China. Journal of Technology Management in China, 7(3), 243-254.
.. Google Scholar
It is not easy to remember the APA reference styles. But it is not necessary to either. A simple solution is to search Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com.hk). On the results page, find the source article you are looking for, and click "cite" / "引用" to choose the APA style.
... screen captures
Find cite below description of results.
.... screen capture 1
..... for Chinese language setting
.... screen capture 2
..... for Chinese language setting
10a. Reporting verbs & evaluation
Reporting verbs are used in both the present and past tenses. EAP recommends using the present tense, which means you need to pay attention to subject verb agreement. That is, if the cited publication was authored by only one person, the verb should be in the singular form, e.g. Richards (1995) argues...; if it was written by two or more researchers, the verb should be in the plural form, e.g. Richards and Hull (1995) argue.... When choosing a reporting verb, you need to understand that an evaluative verb indicates whether you agree or disagree with the cited idea/argument, while a neutral verb shows that you take a neutral stance, that is, you neither endorse the view nor distance yourself from it.
..neutral verbs
state, report, comment on, conclude, mention etc.
..evaluative verbs
suggest, confirm, point out, show etc.
10b. Paraphrasing
To paraphrase is to re-express what someone has said using different words. You need to do that i) when citing something from source texts without quotation marks and ii) when summarizing main points from a passage. In general, you should not use a string of five words or more in exactly the same way as the original text.
.. some paraphrasing techniques
There are different ways to paraphrase depending on the structures of the original statements. It may be necessary to paraphrase a statement using a combination of different techniques.
a. change parts of speech
i. The government proposes raising taxes next year. ⇒ The government's proposal is to raise taxes next year. ii. University students need to study independently. ⇒ It is necessary for university students to study independently.
b. change active voice to passive voice and vice versa
i. All the candidates successfully completed the application form. ⇒ The application form was successfully completed by all the candidates. ii. The commission was established in 1988. ⇒ The government established the commission in 1988.
.. passive voice issues
Before changing an active sentence to passive, make sure the verb is followed immediately by an object. If the verb does not take an object, it cannot be turned into a passive verb.
When changing a passive sentence without an object to active, you need to think of an appropriate subject yourself, such as the government in the example above.
c. use words with similar meanings
i. The majority of apartments in this building have been sold. ⇒ Most apartments in this building have been sold. ii. Peter received a gift from his girlfriend. ⇒ Peter received a present from his girlfriend.
d. use words with opposite meanings
i. The majority of apartments in this building have been sold. ⇒ Only a minority of apartments in this building have not been bought. ii. Peter received a gift from his girlfriend. ⇒ Peter's girlfriend bought a gift for him.
e. change infinitives to gerunds and vice versa
i. It is extremely important for undergraduates to plan a self-study schedule. ⇒ Planning a self-study schedule is extremely important for undergraduates. ii. Writing a 750 word academic essay at the beginning of the year is difficult for many EAP students. ⇒ It is difficult for many EAP students to write a 750 word academic essay at the beginning of the year.
f. restructure grammar
i. a professor of Electronic Engineering from Canada ⇒ a Canadian Electronic Engineering professor ii. a meeting which was extremely important ⇒ an extremely important meeting
g. change plural nouns to singular and vice versa
i. Students should spend more time on any EAP topics that are difficult. ⇒ Students should spend more time on any EAP topic that is difficult. ii. A student who does not understand a number of EAP topics is likely to fail the course. ⇒ Students who do not understand a number of EAP topics are likely to fail the course.
11. Plagiarism
Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is plagiarism; you need to know how to avoid it. Otherwise, your essay might get a fail.
.. you have plagiarized if
you use a string of 5 words or more from a source text in exactly the same way without using quotation marks
you cite the last name of researchers and put the year of publication in brackets, but have not paraphrased their idea and have not enclosed it in quotation marks
.. an easy solution?
use quotation marks whenever you can
cite the researcher(s) and then paraphrase the idea, if you cannot include more direct quotations
12. Impersonal structures
The personal tone is not appropriate in EAP essays. Therefore, expressions such as "as we all know" and "I will argue in this essay that ..." should be changed to "it is well known", and "this essay will argue that ..." respectively. In general, the emphasis should be on ideas and objects, not on feelings and people. Therefore, avoid using adjectives that are based on feelings, such as amazing, incredible, disappointing, surprising etc.
.. other impersonal structures
it is believed/argued that .... it will be shown that .... it can be seen that ....
13. Informal vs formal expressions
Many common and useful words / expressions in daily conversations and journalistic writings are informal and should be avoided in EAP essays.
.. a sample list
besides, nowadays, as we all know, a lot of, really, get/got/getting, in my opinion, by the way, don't/doesn't/didn't, isn't, shouldn't etc.
.. informal vs formal expressions
Additionally; What is more; Furthermore; It is also true that
In recent years; In recent times; Recently; Currently; Today
As we all know
It is well known that; It is generally agreed that;
It is widely accepted / understood / believed that
hot topic
a controversial issue; a contentious problem
attain; receive; earn; make
becoming; growing
acquired; attained; received
major; large; important; significant
more and more
an increasing number / a growing / rising number (countable nouns) / an increasing amount; a growing amount (uncountable nouns); increasingly
as few as (countable); as little as (uncountable)
preferable; beneficial; effective; advantageous
undesirable; not preferable; poor; ineffective
a lot of
many; a considerable number of (countable nouns); a
great deal / amount of / a considerable amount of (uncountable nouns)
a lot
considerably; significantly
highly; notably; greatly; abundantly; very
a bit
somewhat; quite; rather
aspects; factors; points; matters
In my opinion
The writer believes / argues that
By the way
Incidentally; it is worth noting; it might also be noted
... phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs are two-part or three-part verbs that are used probably more often in spoken English than formal written English. Therefore, exercise caution when using them, as some are markedly informal. Some examples are:
figure out
discover; find the answer, understand
put off
postpone; delay
hang out
spend time relaxing in a place / with someone
leave out
go ahead
proceed; start
put up with
14. Use of questions
Use of (rhetorical) questions may be common in Chinese writings, but you should avoid them in EAP essays!
.. example
If you believe that people should take care of their own safety first when helping others, avoid saying: should people not consider their own safety first when helping others?
... simply say
People should consider their own safety first when helping others.
15. Nominalisation
Nouns play a very important role in academic writings, particularly those derived from verbs and adjectives. Therefore, turn your verbs and adjectives into nouns as much as possible. That will make your writing look more academic!
.. examples
a) It is difficult to balance studies and part-time jobs → time management is important ⇒ The difficulty of balancing studies and part-time jobs demonstrates the importance of time management. b) This information enables us to formulate precise questions. ⇒ This information enables the formulation of precise questions. (Note: the personal pronoun "us" is also removed.)
... more
c) Some people are able to speak several languages → better careers are possible. ⇒ The ability to speak several languages leads to better career possibilities.
16. Appositive
An appositive is a noun phrase that renames or refines a noun (phrase) that has just been mentioned.
.. examples
i. In its bookshops the just-published memoirs of the late Zhao Ziyang, a former head of the Communist Party who opposed the Tiananmen crackdown, are flying off the shelves. ii. George W Bush, an ex-president of the USA, recently showcased his paintings.
17. Summary writing
It is very important to summarize the main points according to instructions. Many students fail to do that most probably because they misunderstand the purpose of the context of the task and unintentionally add their own opinions to the points.
.. a sample summary task
You are doing research for a group project and you have to report to the group about the impact of social networking websites on young people. Read Passage 2 which mentions a murder related to the use of these websites and write a summary explaining the causes of such problems and difficulties in eliminating the risks.
... the real question
In ten words or less, what do you summarize from the passage?
.... answer
causes of such problems and difficulties in eliminating the risks
.. important technique 1
a) start with a general opening sentence
... example
A recent article .... / According to a research study ....
.. important technique 2
b) avoid personal ideas
... how
Many students tend to include personal opinions without knowing it. Starting with a good opening sentence helps you avoid that. It is also important to keep using reference words or pronouns to refer to the source of ideas.
18. AWL (Academic Word List)
There are ten sublists, comprising 570 headwords and about 3000 words all together.
.. HKU's vocabulary profiler
.. U of Nottingham's AWL highligher
.. AWL words in alphabetical order
The 570 headwords are divided into 11 groups below. Highlight and copy words you want to learn to use, and save them on your smartphone so that you can take them with you wherever you go. That is one of the best ways to avoid forgetting the words quickly. Search Cambridge English to Chinese Dictionary if that helps you remember the meanings more easily.
i. abandon - bulk
abandon abstract academy access accommodate accompany accumulate accurate achieve acknowledge acquire adapt adequate adjacent adjust administrate adult advocate affect aggregate aid albeit allocate alter alternative ambiguous amend analogy analyse annual anticipate apparent append appreciate approach appropriate approximate arbitrary area aspect assemble assess assign assist assume assure attach attain attitude attribute author authority automate available aware || behalf benefit bias bond brief bulk
job journal justify || label labour layer lecture legal legislate levy liberal licence likewise link locate logic || maintain major manipulate manual margin mature maximise mechanism media mediate medical medium mental method migrate military minimal minimise minimum ministry minor mode modify monitor motive mutual || negate network neutral nevertheless nonetheless norm normal notion notwithstanding nuclear