ÿþ <title>John Wong's Research Activities</title> <style> a {text-decoration:none; } </style> <body> <font size=2> <b>Conference / Seminar Presentations</b>:<br> Wong, J. (1990). <i>Learnability of Relative Clauses: A Hong Kong Case</i>, The Conference on the Teaching of English Language / Literature in the Hong Kong Context. Chinese University of Hong Kong.<br> Wong, J. (1996). <i>Communicating Via Personal Homepages and Email: the New Foreign Language Classroom</i>, Asia-Pacific World Wide Web Conference and Second Hong Kong Symposium.Tsinghua University, Beijing / University of Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (1996). <i>Interactive Quizzes on the Web and Foreign Language Education</i>, Asia-Pacific World Wide Web Conference and Second Hong Kong Symposium.Tsinghua University, Beijing, China / University of Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (1997). <i>Learning to Write (and Teach Writing) via the Web: A First and Ongoing Experiment</i>, Second Annual TCC-L Online Conference: Trends and Issues in Online Instruction. Kapiolani Community College, Hawaii, USA.<br> Wong, J. (2000). City University of Hong Kong WebCourse Fair 2000-2001 (Project Website)<br> Wong, J. (2000). <i>Taking Interactivity to a Higher Level on the Web</i>, International Language in Education Conference 2000, University of Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (2001). <i>From Consumption to Contribution: A Change in the Roles of Language Teachers on the Web</i>, ITMELT 2001 Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University<br> Wong, J. (2001). <i>Interactive Online Writing Assistant</i>, Technology in Language Education Conference: Meeting the Challenges of Research and Practice, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology<br> Wong, J. (2003). City University of Hong Kong WebCourse Fair 2002-2003 (Virtual Exhibition)<br> Wong, J. (2003). <i>Listen on the Web</i>, WorldCALL 2003, University of Calgary and University of Alberta, Canada <br> Wong, J. (2004). <i>Creating Web-based Listening Tests the Non-technical way</i>, International Conference on English Language Teaching Instruction and Assessment, Chia-Yi County, Taiwan (Workshop)<br> Wong, J. (2004). <i>Six Simple Steps to Incorporating Information Technology into Listening Materials</i>, International Conference on Tertiary/College English Teaching 2004, Nanjing, China (Workshop)<br> Wong, J. (2004). <i>Teach Listening on the Web: Are We Not Ready?</i>, The Fourth International Conference on ELT in China, Beijing, China<br> Wong, J. (2004). <i>Enhancing Listening Skills with Online Resources</i>, IT in Education Symposium, Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (2004). <i>English Listening Courses: A Case of Pedagogy Lagging Behind Technology</i>, The Inaugural CLS International Conference, CLaSIC 2004, Singapore<br> Wong, J. (2005). <i>Tapping into Multimedia Content on the Web</i>, Career Oriented Language Education and Training Symposium 2005, Hong Kong (Workshop)<br> Wong, J., & Martyn, H. (2005). <i>Interactive Online Listening Assistant</i>, JALTCALL 2005 Conference, Shiga, Japan<br> Wong, J., & Martyn, H. (2005). <i>Interactive Online Listening Assistant</i>, PacCALL 2005, Kunming, Yunnan, China<br> Wong, J. (2006). <i>From Personal URL to Institutional LMS: a Cure or a Curse</i>, TCELT 2006, ELTU, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong<br> Wong, J., & Martyn, H. (2006). <i>Re-distributing in-house course materials with a Content Management System</i>, PacCALL 2006, Nanjing, China<br> Wong, J. (2007). <i>When Less is More: Generating Content for PDA Users</i>, GloCALL 2007, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<br> Wong, J. (2007). <i>Enhancing Reading and Writing Skills with Simple Javascripts</i>, GloCALL 2007, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<br> Wong, J. (2008). <i>Learning on the go: a true alternative for PDA users?</i>, JaltCALL 2008, Nagoya, Japan<br> Wong, J. (2008). <i>Creating "powerpoints" without PowerPoint Part I</i>, GLoCALL 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia<br> Wong, J. (2008). <i>Creating "powerpoints" without PowerPoint Part II</i>, GLoCALL 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia<br> Wong, J. (2009). <i>Taking YouTube Interactivity to New Heights</i>, GLoCALL 2009, Chiang Mai, Thailand<br> Wong, J. (2010). <i>Customizing Google Form for the ESL Classroom</i>, GLoCALL 2010, Sabah, Malaysia<br> Wong, J. (2012). <i>A Google Cloud Computing Service for English Teachers: Creating Interactive Materials with Google Form</i>, CamTESOL 2012, Phnom Penh, Cambodia<br> Wong, J. (2012). <i>Smartphones, Google Form and QR Code in the ESL Classroom</i>, Academic English Symposium 2012 - Research into Practice in the Four-year Curriculum, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (2013). <i>Creative ways to use Google Forms and Spreadsheets in & out of the classroom</i>, 21st Century Learning Hong Kong Conference, Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (2013). <i>Managing student learning with Google Form, Google Spreadsheet and Google Document</i>, The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013, Brighton, England<br> Wong, J. (2015). <i>A One-page Smartphone-friendly Web Design for EAP</i>, CAES International Conference: Faces of English 2015, Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (2015). <i>Google Apps Add-ons for Independent Learning Management : A First Experiment</i>, GLoCALL 2015, Daejeon, Korea (Virtual presentation)<br> Wong, J. (2017). <i>From teacher technological spoonfeeding to student ownership of technology</i>, CAES International Conference: Faces Of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English, Hong Kong<br> Wong, J. (2017). Google Apps Plus Add-ons. Baptist University of Hong Kong Language Centre Seminar (Invited Speaker) </font> <p>Click <a href=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dqzcEDrpWV5-PrCDfy9OXWH7cglHXQcFIIZ5RWBgn8Y/edit?usp=sharing>here</a> for most updated list. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var sc_project=1122988; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=10; var sc_security="3ef302ae"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://www.statcounter.com/counter/counter.js"></script><noscript><a href="http://www.statcounter.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://c11.statcounter.com/counter.php?sc_project=1122988&amp;java=0&amp;security=3ef302ae&amp;invisible=1" alt="counter hit make" border="0"></a> </noscript> </body>