It aims to provide users to learn how to prevent mechanical and electrical accident from the exercises and the web.
1. Analyzing the cases and presenting it on the web page.2. Users can learn the precaution through doing the exercises or games.
"Every accident, no matter how minor, is a failure of organization." This quotation delivered in 1953 by Professor Kenneth R. Andrews of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, carrier the implication that an accident is a reflection on management's ability to manage, except for acts of God. Accident prevention is a management function. Even minor incidents are symptoms of management incompetence that may result in a major loss. Accident prevention depends to a large degree on lessons learned from accident analysis. However, it is the rare people, particular for manager who has acquired the intelligence necessary to evaluate skill and objectivity in conducting the in-depth search for the cause of an injury or damage to equipment. This online casebook should endow the people with the facility to review with considerable confidence the accident analysis procedures. Accidents can be extremely costly, as well as having undesirable impacts on organizational morale, on organizational image, on productivity, and on fulfilling commitments. They have tangible and intangible effects on "the bottom line." The manager, or chief executive officer if you will, should understand that an objective analysis to determine the root causes of an accident is both a science and an art. As a science it demands special techniques and disciplines that are unfolded in this online casebook. It is an art because of the background of experience, even an acquired intuition, needed to bring together the information and analyze it properly for a productive conclusion, letting the chips fall where they may. The root cause may well be traced to a management decision in the distant past.