Dr. Jr-Hau He is a Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. He got BS and PhD degrees at National Tsing Hua University in 1999 and 2005, respectively. Dr. He was a professor in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (2007-2019). He has been an influential scientist in optoelectronics. He has made a major contribution to understanding light-mater interaction, which reflects on his achievement of photon management on the light harvesting devices. He has conducted highly interdisciplinary researches to bridge those gaps between various research fields and between academia and industry. The great success of his research is reflected by his research funding, publications, awards, honors, patent and technology transfer to industry. The nanotechnology he has developed has been transferred constantly to energy and LED industry over the world.
He participates actively in activities and services in scientific professional societies. He serves as a member of the editorial board for numerous prestigious journals, and as a chair, co-chair, and a member of technical and steering committees for national and international symposiums. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Newsletter. He serves as IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) and NTC Distinguished Lecturer, SPIE Visiting Lecturer and OSA Travelling Lecturer. He is a Fellow of OSA, RSC and SPIE, and a senior member of IEEE. 38 postgraduate students (16 Ph.D. and 27 M.S. students) under his supervision completed their degree studies.