News >> 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014| 2013 | 2012


  • Congratulations to Dr. Peggy LO receiving the Teaching Development Grant 2017 -2018
    November 2017
  • Dr. Peggy LO was invited to give a seminar in “中国化学会2017 全国高分子学术论文报告会” in Chengdu
    October 2017
  • Congratulations to Milk CHAN and Sam LIU receiving the Research Tuition Scholarships 2017-2018 at City University of Hong Kong
    September 2017
  • Congratulations to Camren LEUNG, Karen TAM and Sam LIU receiving the Outstanding Academic Performance Awards 2017-2018 at City University of Hong Kong
    September 2017
  • Carmen LEUNG became a PhD student in our group. Cheers!
    September 2017
  • Congratulations to Milk CHAN receiving the Research Activity Fund from City University of Hong Kong for supporting her 6 months’ visit to Prof. Hongkun PARK’s research group at Harvard University
    July 2017
  • Carmen LEUNG joined our group as a research assistant. Welcome!
    June 2017
  • Congratulations to Carmen LEUNG receiving the Best Poster Presentation Award at the CSE Discovery and Innovation Gala 2017
    June 2017
  • Congratulations to Tsz Wan LO receiving the Summer Research Scholarships 2016-2017
    June 2017
  • Congratulations to Milk CHAN receiving the Best Poster Award in Analytical and Environment Chemistry at the 24th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong
    May 2017
  • Dr. Peggy Lo served as one of the organizing committees of the 24th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong at City University of Hong Kong
    May 2017
  • An invited book chapter entitled “Self-Assembly in Molecular Design” published in Encyclopedia of Physical Organic Chemistry under John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Congratulations to Milk CHAN!
    April 2017
  • Dr. Peggy LO was invited to give a seminar in “IAS Focused Program: DNA Nanotechnology and Smart Sensors” at The Hong Kong university of Science and Technology
    March 2017
  • An invited review paper published in Small. Congratulations to Ziwen DAI and Carmen LEUNG!
    February 2017
  • Congratulations to Dr. Peggy LO receiving The President's Award 2016 at City University of Hong Kong
    January 2017
  • Dr. Peggy LO was invited to give a seminar in “ICCAS-SUSTech-HKU Trilateral Symposium: Frontier of Chemical Sciences” at Southern University of Science and Technology in China
    January 2017

P.K. Peggy LO @ 2022                  City University of Hong Kong       Department of Chemistry       College of Science