The Yao Lab
for Bio-inspired Material and Bio-interface
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Reunite with Prof. Yung-Fu Chang and co-supervised PhD students. Time flies!



Gathering at Chinese Chemistry Society Annual Meeting.


Our team members (Prof. Yao, Dr. Xu, Liqing and Xuejiao) participated in the International Symposium of Superwettability+ at Singapore. Liqing won the best poster award, congratulations!


BBQ gathering at Sai Kung.

09/2023 Congratuations to Chunyan and Dong for their successful PhD defence! Chunyan will report duty at Nantong University, and Dong will stay in our lab as a postdoc. Best wishes!
09/2023 Xiaoya joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
08/2023 Congratuations to Xuejiao and Xin on the awarding of Institutional Postgraduate Scholarships!
08/2023 Hok Sze joined our group as Research Assistant, Welcome!

Our group members received multiple awards in BMS Research Gala. Congratulations.

01/2023 Zhaoling joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
11/2022 Xiubin joined our group as Visiting Fellow, Welcome!
09/2022 Yannan, Mengyi, Zhixuan and Zhicheng joined our group as RA, Welcome!
09/2022 Congratuations to Chunyan, Liqing and Xuejiao on the awarding of Institutional Postgraduate Scholarships! Big congrats to Dong for the awarding of the pretigious CYCSGS Scholarship!
06/2022 Congratuations to Changshun for his successful PhD defence! Changshun will join Huawei at Shenzhen. Best wishes!

Our technology won the Silver Medal at International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2022.

10/2021 Prof. Yao was listed in the Top 2% most highly cited scientists released by Stanford University.
09/2021 Yaxiu, a co-supervised student joined our lab for PhD study. Welcome!

Lunch gathering of the whole group, and farewell to Xin, Bo and Wilson. Wilson will join NAMI at HKSTP.

08/2021 Congratuations to Xin and Bo for their successful PhD defence! Xin will join the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics at Sichuan. Bo will join the Midea Group at Zhuhai. Best wishes!
06/2021 Xin joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!

Our technology won the Gold Medal at International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2021. Dr. Yao was invited to attend a reception hosted by Chief Executive of Hong Kong in HKSTP. Congratulations!

02/2021 Congratuations to Zhaoyue on her successful PhD defence! Zhaoyue will join the Centre of PanorOmic Sciences, University of Hong Kong. Best wishes!
02/2021 Prof. Yao received Outstanding Research Award from the University, Congratulations!
02/2021 Xuejiao joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
12/2020 Prof. Yao received Outstanding Supervisor Award from the University, Congratulations!
09/2020 Yuanyuan and Yuhan joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
08/2020 Congratuations to Bo, Xin, Changshun and Chunyan on the awarding of Institutional Postgraduate Scholarships!
08/2020 Congratuations to Jianqiang on his successful PhD defence! Jianqiang will join the China University of Petroleum (East China) as a lecturer. Best wishes!
08/2020 Liqing joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
04/2020 Wenqing's paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces was highlighed on C&EN!
12/2019 Prof. Yao received Outstanding Supervisor Award from the University, Congratulations!
12/2019 Yangsheng joined our group as RA, Welcome!
11/2019 Our work has won the Gold Award of Asia International Innovative Invention Award organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (FITMI)
10/2019 Dong joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
10/2019 Ling joined our group as Postdoc, Welcome!
09/2019 Congratuations to Jianqiang, Gang and Xin on the awarding of Institutional Postgraduate Scholarships!
08/2019 Shuang joined our group as Postdoc, Welcome!
08/2019 Congratuations to Wenqing on his successful PhD defence! Wenqing will join the BYD Company (比亚迪) for R&D at Shenzhen. Best wishes!
07/2018 Rui joined our group as RA, Welcome!
05/2019 Chunyan joined our group as RA, Welcome!
03/2019 Wilson joined our group as Postdoc, Welcome!
03/2019 Congratuations to Akos and Peng on their successful PhD defence! Both of them will join in the Hong Kong local biotech industry. Best wishes!

CityU Congregation 2018, Cangratulations Dr. Liu!


Our team won Silver Prize in the Entrepreneurship Competition at the ‘National Challenge Cup’

10/2018 Xin joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!
09/2018 Peng has been nominated by CityU and successfully selected to attend the the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) happening in Singapore (NTU) on 20-25 January 2019. Congratulations!
09/2017 Congratuations to Wenqing, Jianqiang and Gang on the awarding of Institutional Postgraduate Scholarships!
08/2018 Congratuations to Meijin and Jieke on their successful PhD defence! Meijin will stay to work as a postdoc, and Jieke will pursue postdoc training at the University of Twente. Best wishes to both of them!
06/2018 Changshun joined our group for PhD study, Welcome. Changshun will be involved in the joint program with Cornell University.

Our team won Top Prize under the Innovation category at the ‘Challenge Cup’ National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final – Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018. The winning project was also awarded the first-class award of the ‘Life Science’ group. Big Congratulations to Gang Lu, Zhaoyue Wang, Peng Liu and Wenqing He.

05/2018 Bo joined our group as RA, Welcome!

The Yao group members attended MRS 2017 Fall Meeting at Boston. Jieke delivered oral presentation in Symposium BM 10, Peng and Wenqing presented posters. Peng's poster was nominated for best poster award.

09/2017 Jianqiang joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!

Congratuations to Peng, Wenqing, Akos and Zhaoyue on the awarding of Institutional Postgraduate Scholarships!


Our recent paper on Advanced Healthcare Materials was selected as Inside Front Cover in publication!


Yao group members visited Beihang University via Mainland 10000 exchange program!

03/2017 Congratuations to Jieke for awarding Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Scholarship for School of Veterinary Medicine 2016/2017!
02/2017 Our recent paper on Advanced Healthcare Materials was highlighed on Advanced Science News!
01/2017 Gang joined our group as RA, Welcome!
04/2016 Wenqing joined our group as RA, Welcome!
02/2016 Hengdi joined our group as RA, Welcome!
09/2015 Meijin joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!

Jieke Jiang joined our group for PhD study, Welcome. Jieke will be involved in the joint program with Cornell University.

08/2015 Peng Liu joined our group for PhD study, Welcome!

The renovation of our Lab was just finished!

07/2015 Yingxuan Li joined our group as RA, Welcome!
06/2015 Dr. Yao delivered a presentation at the joint research meeting with the State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy of Sichuan University.
11/2014 Dr. Yao and faculty members of the Department of Biomedical Sciences (BMS) visited the Nano and Advanced Materials Institute to discuss potential collaboration.
Copyright© by Xi Yao 2015-2024