General Feature
Hesionidae are relatively short-bodied,
dorsoventrally flattened worms.
They are commonly found on hard substrates
and in shallow waters.

Whole segment |
Prostomium is round or cordiform with 2 pairs of eyes.
It has 2 or 3 antennae and typically a pair of palps.
Proboscis is large and muscular with jaws or teeth.
Segments and tentacular cirri
The first to four segments are short and usually fused to
the prostomium. They have 2-8 pairs of tentacular cirri. |
Parapodia and Setae
Parapodia are either uniramous or biramous. Notopodium is
always smaller than neuropodium.
The notosetae are simple and neurosetae are compound,
usually falcigerous. Some spieces have
forked notosetae.
 Parapodia biramous

Falcigerous setae