



1. Introduction











1.1 What is anthropometry about?

1.2 Why is anthropometry important?

1.3 The problem

1.4 The user

1.5 Designing for the user

1.6 Measuring people

1.7 Applications of Anthropometric Data

1.8 Use Of Anthropometric Data

1.9 Corrections

1.10 Evaluations

1.11 Outcomes

2. Definition and applicability of the Anthropometric data


3. Applications of Anthropometric Data





3.1  Design For Extreme Individuals

3.1a  Design For Maximum Population

3.1b  Design For Minimum Population

3.2  Design For Adjustable Range

3.3  Design For The Average

4. Measurement and Correction



4.1 Measurement Equipment

4.2 Description Of Measuring Technique

4.3 Clothing Corrections

5. Evaluation of the Anthropometrics











5.1 Statistical Distribution of Anthropometric Data

5.2 Normal distribution

5.3 Skewness and Kurtosis

5.4 Choosing the most appropriate percentile

5.5 Computation of Percentiles from Standard Deviations

5.6 Computation of Standard Errors (SE)

5.7 Reliability of measurement

5.8 Correlation Coefficient

5.9 Errors

5.10 Guidelines for Anthropometric Survey

5.11 Guidelines for Quality Control of Anthropometric Survey

6. Human Diversity






6.1 Sex differences

6.2 Ethnic difference

6.3 Growth and development

6.4 The secular trend

6.5 Social class and occupation

6.6 Ageing

7. Seating Design



7.1 Promote Lumbar Lordosis

7.2 Minimise Disc Pressure
7.3 Minimise Static Loading of the Back Muscles
7.4 Reduce Postural Fixity

7.5 Provide for Easy Adjustability

7.6 Specific Design Recommendations


Useful Website:

Cornell University Ergonomics Web



OSHA Ergonomic Standards































































