
  1. download pdf (2024.11) Zheng R. and Zhuang X. On the existence and estimates of nested spherical designs. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 73: 101672. Article in Journal

  2. download pdf (2024.09) Li J., Zheng R., Feng H., Li M., and Zhuang X. Permutation equivariant graph framelets for heterophilous graph learning. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35(9): 11634-11648. Article in Journal

  3. download pdf (2024.06) Li Y.-R., Chan R. H. F., Shen L., Zhuang X., Wu R., Huang Y., and Liu J. Exploring structural sparsity of coil images from 3-dimensional directional tight framelets for SENSE reconstruction. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 17(2) : 888 - 916. Article in Journal

  4. download pdf (2024.05) Li M., Zhuang X., Bai L., and Ding W. Multimodal graph learning based on 3D Haar semi-tight framelet for student engagement prediction. Information Fusion. 105:10224. Article in Journal

  5. download pdf (2024.04) Li J., Feng H., and Zhuang X. Convolutional neural networks for spherical signal processing via area-regular spherical Haar tight framelets. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35(4): 4400 - 4410. Article in Journal

  6. download pdf (2023.12) Xiao Y. and Zhuang X. Spherical framelets from spherical designs. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 16(4) : 2072 - 2104. Article in Journal

  7. download pdf (2022.09) Li Y.-R., Shen L., and Zhuang X. A tailor-made 3-dimensional directional Haar semi-tight framelet for pMRI reconstruction. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 60 : 446-470. Article in Journal

  8. download pdf (2022.02) Zheng X., Zhou B., Wang Y. G. and Zhuang X. Decimated framelet system on graphs and fast G-framelet transforms, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(18) : 1-68. This paper was also showcased [JMLR, Journal Track] as a Poster @NeurIPS 2022. Article in Journal

  9. download pdf (2021.07) Li Y.-R., Chan R. H., Shen L., and Zhuang X. Regularization with multilevel non-stationary tight framelets for image restoration, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 53 : 332-348. Article in Journal

  10. download pdf (2021.04) Xiao Y. and Zhuang X. Adaptive directional Haar tight framelets on bounded domains for digraph signal representations, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 27:7. Article in Journal

  11. download pdf (2021.04) Zhang J., Aviles-Rivero A. I., Heydecker D., Zhuang X., Chan R.H., Schönlieb C. B. Dynamic spectral residual superpixels, Pattern Recognition. 112: 107705. Article in Journal

  12. download pdf (2020.07) Wang Y. G., Li M., Ma Z., Montufar G., Zhuang X., and Fan Y. Haar graph pooling. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2020), PMLR 119: 9952-9962. Article in Journal

  13. download pdf (2020.08) Li, M., Ma, Z., Wang, Y. G., and Zhuang, X. Fast Haar transform for graph neural networks. Neural Networks. 128 : 188-198. Article in Journal

  14. download pdf (2020.01) Wang, Y. G. and Zhuang, X. Tight framelets and fast framelet filter bank transforms on manifolds. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 48 (1): 64-95. Article in Journal

  15. download pdf (2019.10) Han B., Mo Q., Zhao Z., and Zhuang, X. Directional compactly supported tensor product complex tight framelets with applications to image denoising and inpainting. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 12 (4):1739-1771. Article in Journal

  16. download pdf (2019.09) Shi C. and Zhuang, X. A study concerning soft computing approaches for stock price forecasting. Axioms 2019, 8(4): 116. Article in Journal

  17. download pdf (2019.05) Han, B., Li, T., and Zhuang, X. Directional compactly supported box spline tight framelets with simple geometric structure. Applied Mathematics Letters. 91: 213 - 219. Article in Journal

  18. download pdf (2018.08) Che, Z. and Zhuang, X. Digital affine shear filter banks with 2-Layer structure and their applications in image processing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 27 (8): 3931 - 3941. Article in Journal

  19. download pdf (2018.01) Han, B., Jiang, Q. T., Shen, Z. W., and Zhuang, X. Symmetric canonical quincunx tight framelets with high vanishing moments and smoothness. Mathematics of Computation. 87 (309): 347 - 379. Article in Journal

  20. download pdf (2018.01) Chui, C. K., Mhaskar, H. N., and Zhuang, X. Representation of functions on big data associated with directed graphs. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 44 (1):165 - 188. Article in Journal

  21. download pdf (2017.07) Zhuang, X. Quincunx fundamental refinable functions in arbitrary dimensions. Axioms 2017, 6(3): 20. Article in Journal

  22. download pdf (2016.09) Zhuang, X. Digital affine shear transforms: fast realization and applications in image/video processing. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 9 (3):1437 - 1466. Article in Journal

  23. download pdf (2016.09) Han, B., Zhao, Z., and Zhuang, X. Directional tensor product complex tight framelets with low redundancy. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 41 (2): 603 - 637. Article in Journal

  24. download pdf (2016.07) Chui, C. K., De Villiers, J., and Zhuang, X. Multirate systems with shortest spline-wavelet filters. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 41 (1): 266 - 296. Article in Journal

  25. download pdf (2015.09) Han, B. and Zhuang, X. Smooth affine shear tight frames with MRA structures. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 39 (2):300-338. Article in Journal

  26. download pdf (2015.01) Bodmann, B. G., Kutyniok, G., and Zhuang, X. Gabor shearlets. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 38 (1):87-114. Article in Journal

  27. download pdf (2014.06) Tan, C. and Zhuang X. The common Hardy space and BMO space for singular integral operators associated with isotropic and anisotropic homogeneity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 414: 480-487. Article in Journal

  28. download pdf (2014.02) King, E. J., Kutyniok, G., and Zhuang, X. Analysis of inpainting via clustered sparsity and microlocal analysis. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 48 (2): 205-234. Article in Journal

  29. download pdf (2013.01) Han, B. and Zhuang, X. Algorithms for matrix extension and orthogonal wavelet filter banks over algebraic number fields. Mathematics of Computation. 82 (281): 459-490. Article in Journal

  30. download pdf (2012.09) Specktor, S. and Zhuang, X. Asymptotic Bernstein type inequalities and estimation of wavelet coefficients. Methods and Applications of Analysis. 19 (3): 289-312. Article in Journal

  31. download pdf (2012.11) Kutyniok, G., Shaharm, M., and Zhuang, X. ShearLab: A rational design of a digital parabolic scaling algorithm. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 5 (4):1291-1332. Article in Journal

  32. download pdf (2012.11) Mo, Q. and Zhuang X. Matrix splitting with symmetry and dyadic framelet filter banks over algebraic number fields. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 437(10): 2650-2679. Article in Journal

  33. download pdf (2012.09) Zhuang, X. Matrix extension with symmetry and construction of biorthogonal multiwavelets with any integer dilation. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 33(2): 159-181. Article in Journal

  34. download pdf (2012.09) Chui, C. K., Han, B., and Zhuang, X. A dual-chain approach for bottom-up construction of wavelet filters with any integer dilation. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 33(2): 204-225. Article in Journal

  35. download pdf (2010.01) Han, B. and Zhuang, X. Matrix Extension with symmetry and its applications to symmetric orthonormal multiwavelets. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 42(5): 2297-2317. Article in Journal

  36. download pdf (2009.07) Han, B. and Zhuang, X. Analysis and construction of multivariate interpolating refinable function vectors. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 107: 143-171. Article in Journal

  37. download pdf (2009.05) Han, B., Kwon, S. G. and Zhuang, X. Generalized interpolating refinable function vectors. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 227: 254-270. Article in Journal

  38. download pdf (2007.05) Zhuang, X. and Dai, D. Q. Improved discriminate analysis for high dimensional data and its application to face recognition. Pattern Recognition. 40: 1570-1578. Article in Journal

  39. download pdf (2005.11) Zhuang, X. and Dai, D. Q. Inverse Fisher discriminate criteria for small sample size problem and its application to face recognition. Pattern Recognition. 38: 2129-2194. Article in Journal

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  1. download pdf (2023.07) Xiao, Y. and Zhuang, X. Denoising on sphere via large spherical $t$-designs and spherical framelets. 2023 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Yale, New Haven, United States. Article in Journal

  2. download pdf (2019.09) Wang, Y. G. and Zhuang, X. Tight framelets on graphs for multiscale data analysis. Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, SPIE Proc. 11138-11. Article in Journal

  3. download pdf (2019.09) Li, Y.-R. and Zhuang, X. Parallel magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction algorithm by 3-dimension directional Haar tight framelet regularization. Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, SPIE Proc. 11138-47. Article in Journal

  4. download pdf (2019.07) Zhuang, X. and Han, B. Compactly supported tensor product complex tight framelets with directionality. 2019 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bordeaux, France. 1-5. Article in Journal

  5. download pdf (2017.09) Che, Z. and Zhuang, X. Affine shear tight frames with two-layer structure. Wavelets and Sparsity XVII, SPIE Proc. 10394-22. Article in Journal

  6. download pdf (2017.09) Che, Z. and Zhuang, X. Digital affine shear filter banks with 2-Layer structure. 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Tallinn, Estonia. 575-579. Article in Journal

  7. download pdf (2015.08) Zhuang, X. Smooth affine shear tight frames: digitization and applications. Wavelets and Sparsity XVI, SPIE Proc. 9597-09. Article in Journal

  8. download pdf (2011.09) Bodmann, B. G., Kutyniok, G., and Zhuang, X. Coarse quantization with the fast digital shearlet transform. Wavelets and Sparsity XIV, SPIE Proc. 8138, 8138OZ-1 - 8138OZ-10. Article in Journal

  9. download pdf (2011.09) King, E. J., Kutyniok, G., and Zhuang, X. Analysis of data separation and recovery problems using clustered sparsity. Wavelets and Sparsity XIV, SPIE Proc. 8138, 813818-1 - 813818-11. Article in Journal

  10. download pdf (2011.05) Donoho, D. L., Kutyniok, G., Shahram, M., and Zhuang, X. A rational design of a digital shearlet transform. The 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA'11), Singapore.

  11. download pdf (2005.12) Zhuang, X., Dai, D. Q. and Yuen, P. C. Face recognition by inverse Fisher discriminant features. Lecture notes in Computer Science.3832: 92-98. Article in Journal

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  • download pdf (2021.09) Dyn N. and Zhuang, X. Linear Multiscale Transforms Based on Even-Reversible Subdivision Operators. Book chapter in Hirn M., Li S., Okoudjou K.A., Saliani S., Yilmaz O. (eds) "Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 6. In Honor of John Benedetto's 80th Birthday". Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhauser, Cham. p. 297-319. Article in Journal

  • download pdf (2012.03) Kutyniok, G., Lim, W.-Q., and Zhuang, X. Digital Shearlet Transforms. Book chapter in "Shearlets: Multiscale Analysis for Multivariate Data". Springer. Article in Journal

  • download pdf (2011.10) Zhuang, X. Matrix extension with symmetry and its applications. Book Chapter in "Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010", M. Neamtu and L.L. Schumaker eds. Springer. Article in Journal

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  • download pdf (2010) Zhuang, X. Interpolating refinable function vectors and matrix extension with symmetry. University of Alberta Library. Article in Journal
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  • download pdf (2005) Zhuang, X. Inverse Fisher discriminate analysis for face feature extraction and recognition. Sun Yat-sen University. Article in Journal
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